News Detail


Date 25 Sep 2023

The first session of the Metaverse 360 VR Learning Program was conducted on Monday 25th September 2023 in the Recreation Hall from 8:00 a.m. onwards. The students from Classes I to V were divided in groups and each group was given a separate time slot. The students were very keen to attend the Session and participated whole heartedly in  it. The Resource Persons from Metaverse briefed the students regarding the inspiring journey from Earth to Space and then each child was given a device to put on his/her eyes along with an ear phone, so that they may enjoy the journey in a realistic way.

 Metaverse enabled students to explore the Space, discover the world and time travel in history. They teleported to the world of Space and explored it by having unimaginable immersive learning experience, right in the school premises. It was a great experience for each one of them and they are now eagerly waiting for the next sessions to come up. Some of the students shared their valuable feedbacks with the Resource people. Overall the session was remarkably enjoyed by the Primary Wing.

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